Pond dipping and hedgerow habitat in Aglionby Wetlands

25th August 2021

Susan Aglionby once again invited us to explore the Wetlands.

Last time we were flooded off and had to relocate. This time the ponds were dry! ...leading to questions of wetter winters drier summers.
Undeterred, we walked onto the dry mud and looked for evidence of life; larvae, flowers, beetles, bugs, butterflies and deer tracks.  This was pond dipping with no water. 

We also observed huge hazelnut cobs in the hedgerows and a good numbers of circling buzzards.

210825 1 Aglionby info board
Information board

210825 1 Aglionby In the dry w
Dry wetlands

210825 2 Aglionby  mint flower

210825 2 Aglionby bug ID
Bug ID with Laura, the Education Officer 

210825 2 Aglionby bug pot

210825 2 Aglionby bugs in the

210825 2 Aglionby deer tracks
Deer tracks

210825 2 Aglionby Hazel nut co
Hazel nut cobs

210825 3 Aglionby Green Grassh
Green grasshopper

210825 3 Aglionby smail